About Us
Pioneers in wireless communications
CASTLE Platform®
Cloudifying Wireless Standards
CASTLE (Cloud Architecture for STandards deveLopmEnt) is the CTTC’s solution for developing, researching and enhancing many terrestrial and satellite wireless standards currently deployed, such as 5G-NR, LTE-A Pro, DVB-S2X, BGAN or Li-Fi, directly from the cloud. Researchers and industry can develop and test new algorithms by software simulation or using real radio devices via Software Defined Radio capabilities.
The AI cluster is composed by several GPU, CPU and extreme edge computing devices delivering more than 60 TFLOPS. The AI cluster enables multiple distributed topologies, specially indicated for Federated Learning and distributed AI inference.
CASTLE Platform® is composed by multiple networks. In particular, it has two GEO satellite links able to provide +20 Mbps with a maximum latency of 500 ms.

Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya
The Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC) is a non-profit research institution based in Castelldefels (Barcelona), resulting from a public initiative of the Regional Government of Catalonia (Generalitat de Catalunya).
Research activities at the CTTC, both fundamental and applied, mainly focus on technologies related to the physical, data-link and network layers of communication systems, and to the Geomatics.
Started in 2001 with young graduates, with engineering or PhD degrees, it is currently the only research institutions where research and technology development are combined to provide response in the range of precompetitive research and engineering demonstration models. During the last ten years we have managed to transform enthusiasm and capability, as the dominant skills, into competence, yet preserving the initial motivation for advanced research and innovation.
A strong team with years of experience

Pol Henarejos, Ph.D.